He waited for me, patiently. And from a low place I found my chin being lifted, my identity being reaffirmed and a gentle voice in my ear reminding me not to drop my crown.
I’ve never felt more cherished, loved or chosen.
He waited for me, patiently. And from a low place I found my chin being lifted, my identity being reaffirmed and a gentle voice in my ear reminding me not to drop my crown.
I’ve never felt more cherished, loved or chosen.
There is so much beauty in this world, and within her. I’m confident that one day the right man will open his eyes and see it.
I’m seeking peace. And each day I allow my eyes, my heart and my mind to find it. In the process, I’m becoming more enlightened. Closer to God and to who I was always meant to be.
What if love in all forms is interconnected?
Here I am, yet again, single. Thriving in another season of self-work and self-discovery.
We all want love, and we’re all capable of having it. But too often we get in our own way of having a magnificent romance because we’re too busy investing valuable energy into people who don’t see us in the same light. (5 min read)
Unfortunately, there’s always going to be something out there in the world capable of making you feel like you’re less worthy than the next person. But, rest assured, rejection is a temporary pain. (7 min read)
No one’s ever really the “bad” guy. It all just depends on your perspective. (6 min read)
They’re convenient and make you feel satisfied (at least temporarily), but ultimately provide no lasting value in the long run. (7 min read)
Whenever any of these core needs was present, I clung to it and silently wondered why it always felt like something was missing. In unpacking previous relationships, multi-year situationships, one-hit-wonder dates and flings of summer’s past, it became very clear that no one ever had ALL three things. (5 min read)